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İstanbul - Türkiye

New York - ABD





0 (532) 111 87 26 (Mobil Santral)
0 (212) 220 43 03 (İstanbul Merkez)


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Periodical Translation

In case you want to add more material or update the project that we have translated, we guarantee that the same translator will be in charge of the project making sure that the translation remains consistent in terms of language and terminology. This is charged as an additional translation. In addition, we offer periodical translations for daily, weekly, and monthly newspapers or journals, invention and patent translations, prescriptions and medical translations, company report translations, trade registry gazettes and notarized document translations, all of which require a consistent language.

Our Principles

  • Trust
  • Responsibility
  • Leadership
  • Speed
  • Economy
  • Innovation
  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Perfection
  • Quality