We have reinforced the trust of our clients, to whom we offer service in 50 languages with 600+ references.
As the leading translation and localization company of Turkey working in accordance with UMS-6 Translator and MTC 112 standards, Dijital Tercüme is the holder of ISO 17100:2015, TS EN 15038, ISO 9001:2000, Google Authorized Translation Office and OHSAS 18001 certificates.
Philological information on "Czech" was prepared by the translation studies division of Dijital Tercüme.
Czech is an Indo-European language. Along with Slovak, Polish and Serbian it constitutes the Western branch of Slavic languages. It is the official language of the Czech Republic. It is spoken by approximately 12 million Czechs in the world. The language's grammar rules, alphabet and writing system was compiled in the 15th century and has since matured.
Phonetically, it is spoken very fast and therefore is hard for a listener to understand. Like many other Slavic languages, due to the high number of conjugations in verbs and nouns, as well as a complex grammar, Czech is considered among the harder languages to learn. According to philologists, it is considered a close relative of Slovenian.